Hair Tech
A full coverage of white hair like no other, the dying has an intense, shiny, natural and long-lasting reflex.
HAIR TECH is the innovative cream hair colouring system that guarantees maximum performance in both covering white hair and in lightening.
It is available in two different formulas, with and without ammonia, designed to give hairdressers the most important tools to meet customers’ needs. “Perfect color” means a high-intensity shade, precise colour tone and 100% coverage of white hair even if it is thick and resistant. HAIR TECH oxidation colouring system, indeed, stands out for its total reliability even in not-optimal conditions.
The effectiveness of the HAIR TECH system is based on the combination of active ingredients of natural origin with micro-pigments in powder: the result is not only an enhancement in the coverage of white hair and its shine, but also an extension of the colour’s vitality.
Known for its invigorating and antioxidant properties. Sunflower oil gives softness and shine to the hair. The hydro-glycolic extract of this plant also helps protect against UV radiation and particularly aggressive shampoos. It protects the hair and reduces the loss of color and shine.
Derived from pressed Jojoba fruit, a plant spread in Central America. Known for its soothing, emollient and moisturizing properties. It makes hair softer, healthier and shinier. Jojoba oil is rich in minerals (zinc, copper, iodine), vitamins (E and B) and waxy esters (lipid rooms with filmogenic action); its properties counteract dryness and dullness of the hair.
It is extracted by pressure from grape seeds, contains phenols, vitamin E and saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. It performs an antioxidant action, revives the hair and provides hydration.
Pure essences to moisturize and revitalize hair, they are botanical-based ingredients with targeted effects. The essential oils of fruit are real concentrates of energy and are obtained by cold pressing of citrus peel or fruit pits
Obtained from the nuts of an African plant that local populations call “the tree of youth”, Shea Butter has soothing and medicinal properties that make it a very versatile product in the pharmaceutical field and particularly suitable for damaged and stressed hair. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, it tones and protects the hair both during and after the application of treatments.
Mallow is a herbaceous plant typical of Mediterranean regions and very common in Europe. It has a very ancient history, the first uses as medicinal herb dating back to 3000 BC. The known beneficial properties of mallow make it one of the most used and versatile natural remedies, thanks to its emollient properties. Particularly suitable for fragile and thin hair, it gives the hair shine and increases its thickness. Penetrating deep into the stem, it thoroughly repairs it and makes the hair soft and vigorous.
Soy proteins smooth the cuticles and help reconstitute the surface of the hair fiber, enveloping the hair with a protective film.
Set of complex vitamin with a strong integrative and conditioning action of the hair structure. It improves compatibility, increases elasticity and resistance to breakage.
• SILICON: important mineral in the role of synthesis for healthy bones as it assists in the absorption of calcium. Fundamental in the formation of collagen and connective tissues such as hair, skin and nails. Promotes cell regeneration, restoring protection and combing to the hair. • MAGNESIUM: plays a key role in at least 300 different enzymatic reactions and in maintaining the functional and structural integrity of tissues. It provides structure and oxygenation to the hair • COPPER: important for iron absorption and utilization because of its role as a cofactor in several enzymes. For skin, it helps oxidize vitamin C and create elastin. For hair, it represents the key in the formation of disulfide crosslinks in keratinization, which contributes to hair growth • IRON: Helps in the adequate oxygenation of tissues and maintains basic life functions. It is present in the chemical composition of the hair and obviously necessary for its life. It contributes to maintaining the physiological and natural resistance of the hair. • ZINC: functions as an important antioxidant, necessary for the maintenance and development of new cells. Necessary for body growth, tissue repair processes and important for normal immune response. Has an anti-free radical action on the vital structures of the hair and is essential for maintaining toned skin. It helps the sebaceous balance and is very useful in case of dry and brittle hair”.
Hair Tech Ammonia Free NSP SYSTEM
The system lets you create fantastic colours with safe results for any shade and for all hair types. This is possible thanks to a HIGHLY INNOVATIVE formula that allows to nourish and colour hair WITH a single action, maintaining both its colour and its shine over time. With NSP System, we selected the excellence of nature to enhance its beauty.
Hair-Tech ACB Oligomin 5
It is the cream hair colouring system with low ammonia content (below 3%) which gives hairstylists an important tool to meet customers’ needs. The ACB bio-chelate 5 pf complex helps nourishing and smoothing hair cuticle guaranteeing bright and shiny reflects and allowing the pigments particles to penetrate gradually and selectively. Micro-pigments easily penetrate the cortex, forming larger color molecules for a more vibrant and long-lasting results.
Technology and nature: the effectiveness of the Hair Tech system
L’efficacia del sistema Hair Tech si basa sull’utilizzo in sinergia di preziose microparticelle coloranti a sostanze altamente protettive e ristrutturanti ricche di principi attivi naturali, accuratamente selezionate in base al tipo di risultato desiderato. Nascono così due formule distinte di colorazione permanente: NSP System di Hair Tech Ammonia Free e l’ACB Oligomin 5 di Hair Tech.
Le due formule innovative si contraddistinguono dalla presenza di speciali pigmenti polverizzati speciali pigmenti polverizzati che penetrano con facilità all’interno del capello, riducendo al minimo il rigonfiamento della cuticola. Le ridottissime dimensioni molecolari consentono ai pigmenti di non ossidarsi all’esterno del capello ma di svilupparsi all’interno della struttura, aumentando di dimensioni e ancorandosi saldamente per una maggior stabilità del colore. Le particelle coloranti ad altissima definizione vengono facilmente veicolate, diffondendosi correttamente e conferendo maggiore uniformità ed equilibrio dalle radici alle punte.
Il risultato? Un colore dal riflesso intenso, brillante, naturale e duraturo e una copertura dei capelli bianchi al 100%.
The collection

Hair color cream Hair-Tech
Zer035 Hair Color Hair-Tech ACB Oligomin 5 is a low ammonia hair coloring cream for vibrant, long-lasting results (below 3%).

Perfum develop emulsion 10 vol. (3%)
Oxidizing emulsion that develops pigment and regulates both lightening and coverage of white hair. 10 volumes version.

Perfum develop emulsion 20 vol.
Oxidizing emulsion that develops pigment and regulates both lightening and coverage of white hair. 20 volumes version.

Perfum develop emulsion 30 vol.
Oxidizing emulsion that develops pigment and regulates both lightening and coverage of white hair. 30 volumes version.

Perfum develop emulsion 40 vol. (12%)
Oxidizing emulsion that develops pigment and regulates both lightening and coverage of white hair. 40 volumes version.

Perfum develop emulsion 5 vol. (1.5%)
Oxidizing emulsion that develops pigment and regulates both lightening and coverage of white hair. 5 volumes version.

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