Keratin System Smoothing Therapy
A progressive smoothing treatment that provides extraordinary straighte- ning and disciplining performance, even more noticeable and long-lasting: a definitive smooth, transformed, full-bodied and shiny hair as never seen before.
All this thanks to a high-performance formula that modifies the hair shaft, transforming it from curly to sleek for a long time and in just three simple steps.
Rich in selected active ingredients including Keratin and Vegetable Com- plex, Keratin Smoothing Therapy makes it possible to achieve straight hair for 3 to 5 months while performing a deep restructuring action.
Glyoxylic acid penetrates deeply to repair, nourish and reshape the hair shaft, thus allowing an intense and long-lasting straightening action. Its molecules are in fact activated by heat and create a protective net around the hair, maintaining smoothness for up to 3 months from the date of application of the treatment.
Fundamental protein for the beauty of the hair. It closes the cuticles on the surface, crushing them so that they do not absorb moisture and thus eliminating frizz. The result is silky, disciplined hair. Performs a deeply restructuring, strengthening and regenerating action.
The Vegetable Complex is a compound of 18 amino acids including Wheat and Soy Proteins. In particular, it contains 3 very important amino acids such as Arginine, Serine and Threonine, which are able to recreate the same keratin composition naturally present in the hair. Arginine in particular plays a decisive role in the constitution of proteins essential to the human body, as it is used to rebuild muscles and tissues. This plant complex has the property of maintaining the result obtained in the salon, protecting and strengthening the hair fiber. It represents an effective alternative to the classic animal proteins used in the world of Hair Care.
Operating directly on the hair shaft, it is able to neutralize any remains of the typical yellow-orangey tone of blonde and grey hair turning it cooler. The more you keep the product with this anti-yellow pigment on, the more it gets intense.
Thanks to the renewed technology based on High Purity Glyoxylic Acid, the straightening service performed with Keratin Smoothing Therapy becomes a true smoothing therapy; innovative, safe and feasible even for sensitised hair.
Characterised by a pleasant floral scent, Keratin Smoothing Therapy contains the special purple pigment, which is highly effective in counteracting the golden tones typically produced during thermal ironing, ensuring an effective anti-yellowing effect.
The innovative liquid formula technology allows very low smoke emissions and also avoids weighing the hair down during the service. This special technology guarantees short processing times.
Safe and fast results, fully respecting the health of both client and operator.
- Perfect smoothness for 3 to 5 months depending on the initial condition of the hair
- A single product to offer 2 different salon services
- A real Smoothing Therapy for hair thanks to the presence of Keratin and Vegetable Complex
- Very low smoke emissions and reduced service time thanks to the special liquid formula technology
- The presence of the purple pigment ensures an effective anti-yellow effect
- Safe formaldehyde-free formula with no harmful emissions
- Extremely pleasant floral fragrance
Il processo di purificazione, attivato dall’acqua, permette di creare una condizione “stabile” e uniforme sul capello così da rendere efficace al 100% la ricezione del trattamento.
Il pH alcalino di CLARIFYING SHAMPOO favorisce l’apertura delle squame rendendo il capello più “poroso” e tecnicamente preparato ad accogliere il trattamento lisciante
Spray equalizzatore di porosità pre/post servizio tecnico, uniforma la struttura del capello, omogeneizzando l’assorbimento del fluido Keratin Smoothing Therapy.
Re-Balance spray districa il capello rendendolo maneggevole e scorrevole al pettine; facile da applicare, si assorbe rapidamente. FORMULA NO RINSE.
Alta Purezza adatto su tutti i tipi di capello per un’azione lisciante e ristrutturante lunga durata, in poco tempo e con ridottissime emissioni di fumo.
La presenza di Cheratina e Complex Vegetale permette di ottenere un liscio perfetto per 3/5 mesi e un capello totalmente rinnovato, sano, luminoso.
Ne migliora l’aspetto e rende semplice il controllo dei capelli più difficili; lo speciale pigmento viola consente un proficuo effetto anti-giallo, contrastando efficacemente i toni dorati tipicamente prodotti durante l’esecuzione del servizio di stiratura. Keratin Smoothing Therapy non contiene formaldeide e si avvale di principi attivi di derivazione naturale.
Un solo prodotto per proporre 2 diversi servizi con la sola gestione del tempo di posa e del calore.
In presenza di capelli ricci, mossi, particolarmente crespi o danneggiati. Ideale per eliminare il volume in eccesso, lisciare i capelli con facilità e prolungare la durata della piega liscia donando luminosità per 3-5 mesi.
In presenza di capelli mossi tendenti al crespo. Ideale per eliminare l’effetto crespo ottenendo così una capigliatura lucente facilmente gestibile per 3 mesi.

Keratin System Smoothing Therapy
Smoothing fluid based on high purity Glyoxylic Acid rich in active ingredients including Keratin and Vegetal Complex. The special liquid formula allows limited emission of smokes. It contains a special purple pigment that ensures an effective anti-yellow effect. Pleasant floral fragrance.
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